Real-time availability of desks mapped to your office space

Upload your office plans as image files directly to SharePoint. And start adding desks.

Drag and drop desks. You can work directly on the office map. Take flexible working to the next level with desk booking.

Helping your employees to find their colleagues is easy. Find a colleague and book a workspace nearby.

  • Rm Screen with Isometric
Interactive Floor Plan, SharePoint Floor Plan Find your friend RM365

Find your colleagues


The primary goal is to foster collaboration among colleagues by helping them locate and work near one another. This can be particularly beneficial in flexible seating arrangements like hot-desking environments or large campuses where employees might be dispersed.


  1. Search Colleagues: A user can input the name or ID of a colleague to find their booking details.

  2. View Booking Details: Once the colleague is selected, their booking details for a given location, date, and time will be visible. This can include:

    • The specific desk or room they’ve booked.
    • The duration of their booking.
    • Any special equipment or facilities they’ve reserved.
  3. Book Adjacent Space: The system would highlight available desks or rooms near the selected colleague’s booking. The user can then reserve a spot next to their colleague, making collaboration easier.

  4. Privacy Settings: Since visibility into one’s bookings can be considered sensitive, privacy settings should be in place. Employees could opt in or out of this feature or decide which bookings can be viewed by others.


  • Enhanced Collaboration: It is easier to coordinate face-to-face meetings or brainstorming sessions.

  • Efficiency: Reduces the time spent looking for colleagues or available spaces to work.

  • Flexible Workspaces: Facilitates flexible seating arrangements by ensuring employees can easily find and work with their team members.

Book Now

Select a location, floor, date, and time. All free desks are shown in green from the dynamic interactive floor plan. Unique features for a solid desk management solution

Room Manager Map-It: Office Layout-Based Desk & Meeting Room Booking System

SharePoint Interactive Floor Plan

It was never more accessible than before to manage your floor and office plans and maps within Office 365 & SharePoint Online.

Room Manager unmatched floorplan mapping allows employees to use it quickly and efficiently through all your sites, locations, and buildings.

We developed this SPFX Web Part to make your floor plan handling easy. Many competitor solutions run in the cloud, so you depend on their services to get up and to run. Another handicap with providers is how flexible the management of the floor plan images is. With Room Manager, you don’t need a consultant to manage your floor & office plans. You can do it ()yourself. 

Do it yourself.

Room Manager Floor & Office Plan

We transform your office floor plans into an interactive dynamic, clickable, bookable office employee map. Search and find your desks, rooms, and spaces. Book from the map a desk or room with Zoom In and Zoom Out functions.

The Best comes first.

You can upload your existing floor plans to the Sharepoint Floor Plan Library.