Make every visitor feel welcome with our visitor management system

Are you tired of dealing with outdated, paper-based visitor logs at your business or organization? A visitor management system could be the solution you’ve been looking for. By implementing a modern system, you can improve security, enhance the visitor experience, and streamline check-in processes. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of a visitor management system and how it can help businesses in various industries.

First Impressions That Last

Room Manager 365 Visitor Management

Visitor Registration PowerApps for Tablets

Room Manager for SharePoint & Office 365 is an All-In-On Resource Management Solution. You can manage any resources like Meeting Rooms, Cars, Equipment, Catering, Visitors, Parking and Workspaces

welcome your visitors

Greet visitors, get notified when visitors arrive and make a powerful first impression.

Let the visitor sign in on the tablet

Visitors can sign an NDA, optionally, you can take a picture of the visitor

Goodbye them with a good impression

Explore the Room Manager Visitor Management solution

Benefits of a visitor management system

The advantages of a visitor management system are numerous and significant. For starters, it allows you to better control who enters your facility, increasing security and reducing the risk of unauthorized access. It can also help you provide a more welcoming and efficient experience for your visitors, with features like self-service check-in kiosks and real-time notifications.

Businesses across various industries have seen positive results from implementing a visitor management system, from faster check-ins at healthcare facilities to increased productivity at corporate offices.

Features of a visitor management system

A visitor management system typically includes a range of features to support a seamless check-in process.

Self-service check-in kiosks allow visitors to check themselves in, while badge printing helps to easily identify who is who.

Visitor tracking provides valuable information on who has come and gone from your facility, while real-time notifications alert you to the presence of VIP visitors or any security concerns.

By leveraging these features together, a visitor management system can help you manage your visitors more efficiently and effectively.

Room Manager Visitor Registration Power Apps
Visitor Management, Room Manager 365

Visitor Management

digitally welcome your visitors

When making a reservation, the meeting organizer can invite internal and external users to the event. For the external user, the email address is added to the field. You can pre-register their visitors in advance through a simple mouse click. This means the visitor will receive an automatic invitation. This also means the visitor’s details will appear in the list of visitors of the day at the reception

Visitor Sign In

Runs on PowerApps. Ios and Android-based devices can be used. iPad sign-in brings the wow factor to your front desk and smart features enhance your security and make compliance efforts a breeze.

Visitors sign-in on an iPad kiosk when a visitor arrives, they’ll enter their details and sign documents right on the iPad.

Visitor Registration App notifies its host. Visitor Registration App automatically alerts your employee when their guest arrives saving you
time and hassle. Find your guest sitting in any Meeting through your organization just by searching the Name, or any other keyword.

Visitor Registration on Ipad and Check-in

Power Automate

PowerAutomate Send Approval Email

Take your business productivity to the next level by automating organizational processes and flows.

Read more about the Power Automate 

Power Apps

Room Manager 365, RM365 Desk Book-Booking App

Build custom mobile apps across platforms for iTunes and Android that solve business challenges and requirements.

Read more about Power Apps

Power BI

Room Manager 365, Dashboard Desk Management PowerBI

Create Dashboards, KPIs and visual Reports with Power BI. Read more about Power BI.

Visitor Management
PowerApps available on your IPad

Technology made simple.

Fast and reliable.

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How to choose a visitor management system

Choosing the right visitor management system can be a daunting task, but there are several factors to consider.

Pricing is one important factor, as is the scalability of the system and its ability to integrate with other tools you may already be using. When evaluating different vendors, it’s important to ask the right questions and understand the specific needs of your organization.

By doing your research and selecting the right system, you can set your organization up for success in managing visitors.

Implementation and best practices

Implementing a visitor management system involves more than just installing the software. It requires training staff on how to use the system, rolling it out in a way that minimizes disruption, and regular maintenance to keep everything running smoothly.

By following best practices like these, you can ensure that your visitor management system is effectively implemented and used to its full potential.

There are plenty of success stories out there to learn from, and by following in their footsteps, you can achieve similar results.

Visitor Sign In

They are updated automatically with the email address of the external attendee. Employees at the reception and the meeting organizer have a list of all visitors of the day. They can search the list by any value (e.g., status: expected, check-in, checked-out). Then, with one click, they can check in or check out visitors. 

When a meeting organizer pre-registers their visitor, an automatic invitation email is sent to the visitor with the meeting details, a QR code, and the parking space reserved optionally. 

Visitor Invitation Email with QR Code

Inform your host about the arrival of your visitor

As soon as your visitor checks in at the reception, you will be notified that the visitor has arrived.


A visitor management system can make a world of difference for your business or organization. Enhancing security, improving the visitor experience, and streamlining check-in processes, can help you manage visitors more efficiently and effectively. If you’re considering implementing a visitor management system, take the time to research your options and choose a system that’s right for you. With the right planning and best practices, you can successfully implement a visitor management system that benefits both your organization and your visitors.

What are you waiting for?